Solutions for
TERAZEM is a firm of consultants specializing in economic and real estate strategy, positioned as a facilitator to promote the assets and specific appeal of territories in order to attract projects that create value and employment.

Bespoke Prospecting Programs
We set up a constant process of collecting and analyzing strategic information in order to detect as early as possible development projects and growth drivers for territories. We deploy a proven methodology comprising a multilingual and multi-channel approach to decision-makers on a national and/or international scale. We conduct an analysis of detected projects along technical and financial criteria, then closely study the development plan presented by companies in order to put forward credible projects that will have a positive impact on the economy and employment.

Our fields of engagement
Prospecting for projects on a local or national scale
- We implement customized prospecting campaigns with companies from a range of sectors
Our work leads us to identify projects for company set-up/relocation, business development, investment in tourism, the development of innovative solutions in the industrialization phase, recruitment, etc. Our monitoring tools and financial databases help us to target companies along specific economic criteria with a close eye on the latest news about intended developments. We further build our process for project identification by attending specialized trade shows and events and through our network of sector experts, who have connections with the decision-makers of national groups.
Prospecting for international projects
- We conduct targeted prospecting in one or more geographical areas courtesy of a multilingual team specialized in identifying foreign projects
We track the business news and movements of world markets in real time to carry out relevant targeting of international companies. Our team implements project detection strategies based on an economic intelligence approach in order to identify upfront the investment strategies of foreign companies, the opening of subsidiaries, multi-site development projects, etc.
Identification of solutions for sites and/or property complexes
- We are by your side to develop innovative and effective promotional strategies designed to encourage development and relocation in your territory
We design presentation documents for available buildings and landed property that take full account of the technical specificities and local ecosystem. We carry out tailor-made prospecting actions to present and promote investment and opportunities for relocation in your territory to a panel of national and/or international targets.
Discover the Eurazem solution dedicated to the promotion of your territory and host prospects
The attractiveness and dynamics of a territory
We carry out attractiveness and sector diagnoses to highlight the positioning of a territory in relation to its strategic orientations. We deliver our expertise to design economic development and territorial promotion tools by mobilizing digital marketing levers to attract projects and gauge the impact with stakeholders.

Our fields of engagement
Territorial promotion strategy
- We add value to your territory through territorial marketing, implementing innovative actions to attract projects that create value and employment
Our support sets out to analyze the strengths and specific appeal of your territory in order to measure attractiveness. We develop communication strategies based on digital marketing levers (digital audit, referencing, programming and content distribution) in order to highlight the hallmark and the identity of your territory to investors and project bringers.
Real estate strategy
- We analyze the real estate market of your territory in order to establish and predict needs in terms of relocation and development projects
We conduct an inventory of the real estate offering and land reserves in your territory for cross-referencing with company expectations, anticipating medium and long-term needs. We draw up a strategy for the development of existing real estate and land and, with the support of our partners (engineering and design departments, architectural firms, etc.), put forward plans for new host areas suited to projects that match the major economic orientations of your territory.
Economic development of the territory
- We support your territory in the think-process for policies to back businesses and develop skills and employment
We propose to identify and analyze the needs of companies established in your territory with regard to their strategic growth and workforce recruitment issues. In doing so we help local players in the conducting of their economic development policies and forward management of jobs and skills. We also introduce innovative actions with local companies within the framework of specific measures in order to promote job creation.