Solutions for


TERAZEM is an economic strategy consulting firm positioned as a partner for companies to meet their challenges for development and business reorganization.

Business development


We conduct market studies on a national and international scale and implement actions to seize opportunities and anticipate risks involved with business development projects (relocations, external growth, product development, etc.). Our approach aims to facilitate decision-making and ensure the successful completion of development projects by using quantitative and qualitative data from our analysis tools and partner network.

Our fields of engagement

Business Intelligence

  • We utilize a data collection and analysis strategy to detect opportunities and anticipate risks in your market.

Our work lets us provide qualified projections of market trends and the risks affecting a given sector (raw material supply, workforce problems, etc.), and map charts of available players (customers, suppliers, subcontractors, service providers, partners, and competitors) at local, national, and international levels.

Growth Strategies

  • We support you in the development of your business through the working of actions that serve to validate and facilitate your strategic choices.

Our approach focuses on the analysis of growth levers in international markets and the risks related to new business locations. We also focus on the gathering of information and the preparation of strategies to enter a new market, to develop your public and private network, and to identify client-partners or acquisition targets in cases of external growth.

Relocation support

  • We help you to select the right location depending on your activities and the challenges of your project.

Our support consists in validating your choices in terms of territory and ecosystem by minimizing the risks related to your future location. We analyze several aspects of your project to ensure that your choice of location meets your development strategy and project specifications (real estate, infrastructure, human resources, access to raw materials, customers, partners, etc.).

Restructuring and reorganization of activities


We develop tailor-made strategies for identifying buyers based on our knowledge and monitoring of a region’s business sectors and economic fabric. We put together a takeover offer based on an analysis of the redeployment of activity on site, governed by several criteria: assets, available skills in the event of employee takeover, the economic dynamics of the territory as well as support from the public and private sectors. We promote our offer to a group of targeted companies and investors selected using our monitoring tools, financial analysis and portfolio of contacts.

Our fields of engagement

Search for a buyer

  • We support you and set up a process to identify a buyer in the event of site closure.

Our work lets us identify buyers in a context of restructuring, financial difficulties and impact in terms of employment over a given territory. Our experts are primed to identify takeover solutions that meet your economic, legal and social issues. We take care of all communication with local economic players and social partners.

Disposal of non-strategic assets

  • We look for takeover solutions within the framework of your strategic orientations, economic challenges and the refocusing of your business.

Our aim is to provide you with a sectorial and economic vision in connection with the divestment of assets that your company considers to be non-strategic. We put together an upstream/downstream analysis of the business to be sold in order to identify the national and/or international sectors and companies that could be interested in taking over your assets.

Conversion and reindustrialization of sites

  • We build a redeployment strategy for new activities related to the potential of your site and to local dynamics

Our team sets every process in motion to establish credible conversion scenarios for your site, carefully handling promotion work with targeted companies and local economic players. We also support you in all the administrative and regulatory procedures needed for the marketing of your property (diagnostics – audit) through our partners. We also provide support in the negotiations for site sale and/or rental.